Natural Person

Legal Person


Changes in the import of planting materials (specific requirements)

We would like to inform you that by Resolution N416 of the Government of Georgia of December 16, 2024, an amendment was made to Resolution N630 of the Government of Georgia of October 16, 2020 “On Approval of the Technical Regulation - Rules for Combating the Citrus Fruit Longhorned Beetle Anoplophora chinensis (Forster)”, which provides for the entry into force of the aforementioned Resolution from January 1, 2025.


Changes to the procedure for filling out the monthly income tax return of a person with small business status

​​​​​​​On 03.12.2024, an amendment was made to the Order of the Minister of Finance of Georgia N 999 of December 31, 2010 “On the Application of Special Taxation Regimes”, including an amendment to the instruction approved by the order “On the Monthly Income Tax Declaration of an Individual with Small Business Status, the Procedure for its Completion and Submission” (Appendix N5).


Change in the monthly declaration of tax withheld at source

On November 26 of this year, an amendment was made to the instruction approved by Order N996 of the Minister of Finance of Georgia dated December 31, 2010. In particular, the amendment concerns the procedure for filling out the withholding tax declaration (Appendix NII-06).


Amendment to the Rules for the Implementation of Veterinary Border Quarantine Control

​​​​​​​We would like to inform you that from January 1, 2025, the Resolution N473 of the Government of Georgia of October 3, 2022, “On Approval of the Rules for Animal Feed Additives Used in Animal Nutrition,” will come into force. This rule prohibits the placing or processing of animal feed additives on the Georgian market (except for export production) or their use if:


Meeting on current tax issues

As part of the program of holding systematic meetings with target groups, the Revenue Service will hold a meeting with interested parties on November 29 of this year at 3:00 PM to review current tax issues.


Amendment to the instruction “On Administration of Taxes” approved by Order N996 of the Minister of Finance of Georgia dated December 31, 2010

Based on the amendment N4364-XIVმს-Xმპ entered into the Tax Code of Georgia on June 27 of this year, an amendment was made to the instruction "On Tax Administration" approved by the order N996 of the Minister of Finance of Georgia dated December 31, 2010, namely, according to the amendment: - Winnings received by citizens of foreign countries as a result of participating in games of chance in a system based or electronic form and/or in the games of betting house organised in a system based or electronic form and the amount withdrawn from a gaming account in a system based and electronic form, are exempted from income tax;


Meeting regarding current customs issues

The Revenue Service has developed a program for holding systematic meetings with target groups, which provides for constant communication with taxpayers, receiving information about problematic issues from their side, processing and implementing relevant measures. Within the framework of the mentioned program, on November 20 at 3:00 p.m. of this year, the Revenue Service will hold a meeting with the interested parties in order to review current customs issues.


ახალი ამბების გამოწერა

ახალი ამბები


Due to a technical fault, the access to the Revenue Service website is temporarily limited


Customs officers in Sarpi discovered a large amount of undeclared gold jewelry


Head of the Customs Department, Zurab Sichinava, congratulated the customs officers on the upcoming New Year

გასული სიახლეები





Customs check


