Natural person
Tax Assistant
Customs Assistant
Tax Assistant
მომდევნო ვალდებულება
საგადასახადო კალენდარი
17 Mar
Monthly income tax return of a natural person setting up a slot club, organising of a game of chance or/and a betting house in a systemic-electronic form
A natural person of Georgia pays income tax on salary received from an international organization with diplomatic status in Georgia and / or a free industrial zone enterprise, which is not taxed at the source.
Monthly calculation of fee for the use of natural resources. for more information, click here
Excise Return
Monthly Income Tax Return of natural persons having the status of a small business
Income tax return of a natural person on the supply of property/asset
Return of tax withheld at source
Information on taxation of goods at auction, direct sale or other types of sale in the case provided for in Article 1611 of the Tax Code of Georgia
A computation of reverse charge VAT amount by a person not registered as a VAT Taxpayer
VAT Return
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