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Customs Department
Zurab Sitchinava
He graduated from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Economics, majoring in international economic relations, and Faculty of Humanitarian Professions, majoring in jurisprudence. He has a Master’s degree in Business Administration. He began his professional career in 2006 as an operative employee in the Financial Police of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia. He was the inspector-investigator of the Kvemo Kartli Division of the Investigation Department of the Revenue Service of the Ministry of Finance; the senior inspector-investigator; the chief inspector-investigator of the Division for Combating Violations of Customs Rules of the Investigation Department of the Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia; the head of the division and the main division of Tbilisi. Deputy Head of the Service Monitoring Department of the Revenue Service. Deputy Head of the Security Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. From April 5, 2021, the head of the Customs Department of the State Revenue Service.